Friday, February 12, 2010

xoxo V-Day xoxo

Girls and Valentine's Day! Always exciting and fun. This year we bought gift bags to decorate for their Valentine Box for school. They had fun adding foam hearts to them and ended up with cute funny faced people with the mouth opening for the Valentine's to go in to. Bags.. $1.00. Foam sheets.. $1.00. Total Project $3.18 with tax. Woo Hoo!!!

Their Valentine's were as easy as downloading a template, adding a picture of them, and stapling a candy bar to the back.

It didn't take a whole lot of effort but we definately had a great time together making them. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Finally found a diaper bag!

I finally found a diaper bag I like. So exciting because I've been looking everywhere. Thanks to ebay this one will be here in a few days. I really didn't want to go pink or too girly, and I love this color. Now I better get busy getting some other things ready. Only 7 more weeks to go!