Sunday, November 11, 2007

7 Random Things About Me...

1. I am a procrastinator. I seem to always wait until something "has" to be done before I do it.
2. My dad makes me strawberry short cake for my birthday every year. He knows it's my favorite.
3. I LOVE to play soccer. I played in junior high, high school, and college. Now I play adult league, So much Fun!!!
4. No one seems to fold the towels right at my house. My mom taught me how to fold towels at a very young age and it drives me crazy if it is done wrong (then the towels don't fit in the cupboard right!).
5. I am a Sunday afternoon napper. If I don't get my nap on Sunday, well, if you have kids you know what it's like when they don't get their nap!
6. I love McDonald's french fries. Only if they're hot and fresh. Sometimes I go there without my kids and get them for a snack!
7. I can't sing, no I take that back. I can sing. I just shouldn't!

Consider yourself tagged...

1 comment:

Tiffany B said...

Lol about your singing comment. I have a certain way I like the towels folded too. Guess that is why I am stuck doing the laundry every Monday. I'll remember not to drop in on Sunday afternoons - I'd hate to interupt your napping Ü